2D Lidar Sensor
All mines recognize the need for a reliable, robust and low maintenance Collision Avoidance System to enhance safety and production. Becker Mining Systems smartdetect system is designed to prevent injury and damage during the operation of mining vehicles in close proximity to mining personnel and other equipment. This system provides an early warning indication that alerts the operator to the presence and number of vehicles in the vicinity.
Connected to the Controller and projected onto the LCD Touch Interface, the LiDAR Sensor measures distances by illuminating the target area with an infrared sensor. The recorded data is then extrapolated and represented into a two-dimensional visual.
Vehicle operators benefit greatly from the smartdetect LiDAR sensor as it maps physical features from the surrounding environment, adding a layer of visibility and depth to surrounding structures.
- Measures up to 50m Range
- Compact Design for Easy Installation
- Ethernet Interface for Real-Time Measurement Data
- High-Performance in Extreme Weather