Novokuznetsk city of Kemerovo region, where Russian subsidiary of Becker Group is located, celebrated its 399th birthday. Novokuznetsk is one of the oldest Siberian cities. It was founded in 1618. Now Novokuznetsk is one of the largest metallurgical and coal mining centers of Russia.
Traditionally on this day there were mass festive events organized in the city. In the morning of the festive day, several columns marched along the city streets, each column showing a unique character and spirit of Novokuznetsk.
Becker Mining Systems RUS was invited by Novokuznetsk City Administration to take part in the festive march as a young and perspective company, which is an important part of Novokuznetsk business world.
Employees of Becker Mining Systems RUS were happy to take part in the festive event. BMS RUS was a part of the column named Progressive Novokuznetsk, which consisted of 13 industrial enterprises of the city. It was the first experience of mass march and representation of the company on the city level for BMS RUS. On this day, employees experienced positive emotions and had a chance to communicate with colleagues in informal surroundings. We are sure that the march on the City Day is going to become our good tradition, and next year BMS RUS will take part in the celebration of the city’s 400th birthday.