From September 10-14, 2018, the International Research and Practice Conference 'Underground Coal Mining of the XXI Century' took place at the premises of SUEK-Kuzbass, JSC. The event was organized by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources named for the academician N.V. Melnikov of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPKON RAN) and SUEK-Kuzbass.
The conference work included plenary and section sessions with a wide exchange of opinions and the sharing of scientific and production experience. Participants were encouraged to join the work of one of the sections: “Technology of Underground Mining”, “Mining equipment and Energy Distribution”, “Ventilation and Degassing”, “Industrial and Work Safety”, “Environmental Safety”.
Becker Mining Systems RUS took part in the conference with the report “Experience of Installation and use of Energy Supply and Automation Systems in the Mining Industry”. Our specialists shared the industrial experiences of the Becker Mining Systems Group and answered questions from the conference’s participants.