SSFM-ND smartsense® Network Display
The smartsense network display is a 4-line, tri-color, 9.5-inch maximum character size LED message display.
The SSFM-ND is a 4-line x 24 character display which supports red, amber and green characters, embedded string and numeric variables and scrolling (right, left, up and down). There are (1) RS-232 port, (1) RS-485 port and (1) 10/100 BaseT Ethernet port for configuration and external message control.
It supports serial ASCII, Modbus RTU, and Modbus TCP proto-cols.
- Low power consumption, high-efficiency switch mode power supply
- Free, easy to use configuration software package
- The display is fully configurable through the ViewMarq software for ease of use
SSFM-ND smartsense Network Display: Product inquiry
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