On the first weekend of October OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS celebrated two holidays at once – the company’s Birthday and Miner’s Day, which is a Russian holiday celebrated in the week before.
The history of OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS began 7 years ago, when OOO Becker Mining Transport Systems was founded. It then was in charge of the group's transportation product portfolio. Later, in 2014, in order to organize a convenient system for customers' support as well as to provide complex solutions to satisfy the customers’ needs, Becker Mining Systems AG decided to join the two subsidiaries of the Becker Mining Systems Group on the territory of the Russian Federation – OOO Becker Mining Transport Systems and OOO Becker Mining Systems Siberia - in order to form one large entity. The new company OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS has since been responsible for the entire range of the Group's entire product portfolio. During these 7 years the company has been growing continuosly with an increased turnover year after year.
OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS 7th birthday was a fun and social event. Employees of all departments of the company took part in the preparation for the event. The holiday was held outdoor and, even if the weather was rainy, everybody was in great mood. Each department prepared snacks and dishes and entertainments for the guests. There were quizzes about the company's history, funny foretellings and a lot of other exciting contests. Cooking talents of employees are also worth mentioning; there were a lot of exquisite dishes, and some of them were cooked during the event on the open fire.
The holiday was fun and employees liked the holiday’s unusual format. It was a chance to meet in an informal atmosphere.
Our clients can be reassured, that there's nothing, we at OOO Becker Mining Systems RUS cannot solve as a united team!