SSFM-100-UHF Wireless Modem
Long-range narrow-band UHF data radio modems. Exceeding all FCC part 22 and 90 requirements, it features: 1/2-5 watts of RF output in the 450-480MHz (other bands available), range of 5-50 miles, ultra-fast T-R switching time of 3mS, store-and-forward repeater capability, remote “Ping” capability, voltage, temperature, and current monitoring, and RS232/422/485 interfaces available.
Perfect for SCADA, remote control, telemetry, mobile-data, and AVL applications.
- Serial Interface Port
- USB Interface option
- Standard connector type: DB:9
- IO Voltage Levels RS-232, RD-485, RS-422 (user selectable)
- RX and TX data transparent async
- Word length 7 or 8 bits
- Format N, O or E
- Modem handshake signals RTS, CTS, CD
SSFM-100-UHF Wireless Modem: Product inquiry
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