On April 7-8th Russian city of Norilsk will host the XIX Specialized Exhibition "Mining. Metallurgy. Norilsk-2020". Every year about 30 the largest Russian and world manufacturers of various equipment and technologies take place in it. The exhibition program includes: presentations and demonstrations of new products, seminars and round tables on digital and new technologies, equipment in the mining industry and energy sector.
This year, Becker Mining Systems RUS will demonstrate to the customer "Norilsk Nickel" a new product of 2019 – voice communication and positioning system SmartCom WiFi, which has expanded its functions.
SmartCom. The system is presented in two versions - mine normal and explosion-proof. It consists of two subsystems: underground radio communication and personnel positioning. Data transmission, including voice data, is carried out over a high-speed fiber-optic line.
Routers are installed every 250 meters or 500 meters, and are interconnected with a fibre-optical cable with quick-release couplings. This creates a fiber-optic network that covers a large number of work areas.
For this system, BMS RUS specialists have developed the VisualMine Software, which allows real-time displaying of personnel location in underground workings with an accuracy of +/- 20m and location determination of any WiFi device.
We invite everyone to visit Becker booth at the exhibition and get personally acquainted with the innovative technology and all the most popular equipment produced by Becker