11kV/1kV 1.5MVA Substations
Specifically designed for Hardrock applications Becker Mining Australia can provide standard
or customised configurations to meet the specific mine site requirements.
Typically, the standard substation is a 11kV/1kV 1.5MVA with up to 8 outgoing 150A outlets,
The main incoming supply is an enclosed fully certified and tested RMU allowing through
connection to other switchgear and provides a safe method for isolation.
- Skid Base
- ABB Circuit Breakers
- Sprecher + Schuch Contactors
- Earth Leakage & Earth Continuity
- Live Line indication
- Emergency Stop
- Remote Pendant
- Lighting
11kV 1kV 1.5MVA Substations: Product inquiry
Do you need more information regarding this product or do you want to integrate this product into your solution? Feel free to use the form below or reach out to a local contact person.