The Becker Mining Systems® Group was represented at this year’s China Coal & Mining Expo 2017 in Beijing, China, through its subsidiaries Tianjin Becker Electronic® Co. Ltd. and Becker Mining Systems® China Co. Ltd..
With over 100.000 visitors in 4 days China Coal & Mining Expo represents the most important mining show in the asian and southeast asian market and has become one of the top shows in the world. The show is generally organized into 4 Pavillions and Tianjin Becker Electronic® Co. Ltd. was honoured to be the only foreign lead company able to be represented in the China Pavilion. Most of the Becker Mining Systems® Group's product portfolio, as well as chain hoist equipment of our partner KITO® GROUP was accessible on the stand:
· MineTrans® rack and pionion drive monorail
· Mincos® automation product range
· Parts of the SmartCom® product range
· Endis® Engery Distribution products with the new Endis® 4.0
· KITO® Chain hoist equipment [Link nicht mehr aktuell]
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wegener, the group's CFO, was honoured to represent the Becker Mining Systems® Group as part of the 2017 China Coal &Mining Expo official opening ceremony alongside with top level chinese politicians and entrepreneurs.
With many visitors, customers and new contacts every day, the show was a complete success.
A big thank you to our employees, who made this show a special event
through their continued hard work in the weeks before and during the event!
近日,第十七届中国国际煤炭采矿技术交流及设备展览会在中国北京举办。德国贝克集团携其子公司天津贝克电气有限公司和贝克(中国)矿山设备有限公司亮相该展。作为世界顶级展会之一,同样也是亚洲和东南亚市场最重要的矿展,短短4天内吸引了近10万人次观众前来参观。本次展会由4个展馆组成,天津贝克电子有限公司荣幸成为唯一能够在中国馆参展的外资龙头企业。 贝克集团本届参展展品涵盖了大部分贝克集团的系列产品以及合作伙伴KITO集团的链式起重设备:
· 矿用辅助运输设备齿轨单轨吊车 MineTrans®
· 自动控制产品系列 Mincos®
· 通讯产品部件 SmartCom®
· 传统开关产品及新型开关产品 Endis® · 链式起重设备 KITO®
Wolfgang Wegener教授 博士, 作为贝克集团首席财务官荣幸地代表贝克集团与众多政府要员和业内知名企业家一起出席了本届中国煤炭博览会开幕式。 我们的展会现场更是人气爆棚。 4天时间内, 每天都有数不尽的到访者,客户以及对我们产品感兴趣的人,其中很多参观者也借此机会留下了联系方式。 我们的展会之所以能够取得圆满成功和我们员工充分的准备和不懈的努力是离不开的。