Every year, universities across Canada assemble their finest mining students to participate at the Canadian Mining Games. This competition offers students the opportunity to showcase their skills in both academic and practical events against their peers, as well as network with professionals in the mining industry.
At the 2019 games, Laurentian University found great success and earned a total of 10 podiums across 23 events for a third-place overall finish. The team of highly skilled students demonstrated great knowledge in academic events that involved calculations, written reports and presentation challenges. Some key events that the team performed well in are: 1st place in the stock market challenge, 2nd place in the mystery event and 3rd place in drill and blast. The stock market challenge involved the investment of a $500,000 portfolio to generate the largest return over a 2-month period. The students are limited solely to mining & metals, and oil and gas companies for investment, further adding to the challenge. The mystery event had students prepare a presentation to optimize face mapping in underground mines. The presentation by our Laurentian team involved XRF technology implemented with MOSS survey systems thereby reducing the required number of technical staff at the face. Lastly, the drill and blast event involved reducing costs and optimizing blasting in an open pit mine.
The Canadian Mining Games also consists of many practical events that Laurentian excels in due to students gaining valuable hands on mining experience throughout summer employment. Laurentian University proudly took 3rd place in equipment handling, jack leg drilling and mine rescue.
Without the generous donations from companies such as Becker Varis, it would be difficult for our team to participate in the games. With such a large group, expenses for hotels, flights, and meals are increasingly expensive for a university team. Support from local mining companies and organizations allows us to focus on preparing for the competition to perform as best as we can to properly represent our university and our sponsors. We are proud to represent both Laurentian University and the Sudbury basin as Canada’s mining hub. Laurentian University’s mining games team would like to thank Becker Varis for their generous donation and their continued support for future engineers.
“We had success in many of the events and we we're on the podium consistently throughout the awards banquet. Our success wouldn't be possible without the help of our generous sponsors so I'd like to say thank you on behalf of this year's team.” Bradley Gallant Laurentian University Team Member at the 2019 Canadian Mining Games
For more information go to: http://www.canadianmininggames.com/