Stephen Humble Safety Detaching Hook
The Stephen Humble Safety Detaching Hook fulfils a vital function in drum winding installations. Their purpose is to detach the winding rope from the conveyance in the event of an overwind, and to arrest and suspend the conveyance in the headframe. The device prevents injury to personnel and extensive damage to equip¬ment should an overwind occur. The hook can be reset to the normal closed position and released from the catch plate by a lowering shackle or links.
- The purpose of the Stephen Humble Safety Detaching Hook is to detach winding rope from the conveyance in the event of an overwind.
- The Stephen Humble Safety Detaching Hook catches and suspends the conveyance on the catch plate in the head gear.
- Latest designs fitted with a locking pin to prevent one sided opening.
- Available in a range of sizes to suit safe working loads from 3 tons to 35 tons.
- Design incorporates a minimum factor of safety of 10:1 on the safe working load.
Stephen Humble Safety Detaching Hook: Product inquiry
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